Macro for trinket slot 1

There are nineteen equipment slots on a character. The combination of equipment slot and item type is often the first categorization of items used. Making a macro - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of A macro is a list of slash commands. Common slash commands include the following:

Equip slots in Macros Edit. When creating macros based on "click to use" items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However Using the numeric designations for an equipment slot is a much more effective method as it eliminates the need to manually modify your macro when you upgrade a particular item. Macro for Trinkets : wow - reddit Macro for Trinkets ... was curious if there was a macro I could use to swap trinkets out real quick. I'm a bear tank and for anything lower than m+10 I use AoE DPS trinkets. I was curious if there was a macro to quick swap my AoE trinkets and ST trinkets for bosses? 8 comments ... I was incorrect on the trinket slot numbers. permalink; embed ... Macro for Trinkets : wow - reddit Macro for Trinkets ... was curious if there was a macro I could use to swap trinkets out real quick. I'm a bear tank and for anything lower than m+10 I use AoE DPS trinkets. I was curious if there was a macro to quick swap my AoE trinkets and ST trinkets for bosses? 8 comments ... I was incorrect on the trinket slot numbers. permalink; embed ...

Trinket Slot 1. xPopPop Mar 5th, 2019 71 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! raw download clone embed report print text 1.17 KB ...

Action Bar Macro - UI & Macros - Wowhead Forums Similar to macros when using a trinket. Instead of having to type /castrandom , you can easily save space by having it /castrandom 13, 14 where 13 and 14 are the location of the trinkets slots. So is there a way to do this with action bar slots? Like if I arranged my spells in the action bar. Say perhaps like ... What is the Item # for trinket slot 2? - UI & Macros - Wowhead Forums 0 = ammo 1 = head 2 = neck 3 = shoulder 4 = shirt 5 = chest 6 = belt 7 = legs 8 = feet 9 = wrist 10 = gloves 11 = finger 1 12 = finger 2 13 = trinket ... Macro to tie steroid + trinket occasionally doesn't work. Why ... Typical macro #tooltip text /cast arcane power /use 13 I have to keep an eye on my trinket to make sure it cast too otherwise sometimes it. ... NH: 0/10M CryptrotTheWarlock; Poetry Club 1/2MCausalXXLinkXx; Fortnite ... Sorry I mean / use 13 for the top trinket slot not sure if it's /use 14 for the bottom.

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Trinket Macro? - Nostalrius Begins - Quality wow vanilla realm (1.12 ... This macro can "use" any slot on the character panel. 13 and 14 or the trinkets, but if you have use items like rocket boots etc this will work also. PVP Fury - 8.1.5 • WoW Lazy Macros

The slot is a number that corresponds with its identity in game. Trinkets are the most commonly useable equipped items, so this command is most applicable to the trinket slots: 13 and 14 (a full list of slots appears below). Thus, a macro to activate whatever trinket is in your top trinket slot would include the command /use 13.

A Trinket macro - WoWInterface Can you make a macro to cast a trinket with a spell? If the trinket is on cooldown then just skip that line and cast the spell ( CoA in this case) ie. /cast [trinket] (if its off cooldown) /cast Curse of Agony That way i can ensure that trinket will never get any downtime if its being used with a frequently used spell. Thanks for anything Table of content - GitHub Pages Item slot Use Macro: Uses the Item slot, can be used for Trinkets, Rings or Engineering Enchants. #showtooltip 6 /use 6 Item slots: 1 - Head Slot 6 - Belt Slot 11 - Ring Slot 1 12 - Ring Slot 2 13 - Trinket Slot 1 14 - Trinket Slot 2 15 - Back Slot . Tricks of the Trade Macro: InventorySlotId | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia 13 = trinket 1 14 = trinket 2 15 = back 16 = main hand 17 = off hand 18 = ranged 19 = tabard 20 = first bag (the rightmost one) 21 = second bag 22 = third bag 23 = fourth bag (the leftmost one) When bank frame is open Edit 40 to 67 = the 28 bank slots 68 = first bank bag slot 69 = second bank bag slot 70 = third bank bag slot 71 = fourth bank ... Trinket Slot | Custom Gaming Jewelry & Gifts!

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A Trinket macro - WoWInterface Can you make a macro to cast a trinket with a spell? If the trinket is on cooldown then just skip that line and cast the spell ( CoA in this case) ie. /cast [trinket] (if its off cooldown) /cast Curse of Agony That way i can ensure that trinket will never get any downtime if its being used with a frequently used spell. Thanks for anything Trinket Slot Macro Wow - G Casino Blackpool Poker Schedule YouTube Dcuo trinket slots - Casino Portal Online - Jun 2, 2014 Hello, Guys. Using the /use command in a macro for a trinket will equip the trinket (OOC) if it's not equipped. Trinket slot numbers wow Vanilla WoW Wiki FANDOM powered. Wow - Reddit Vuhdo mouse over macro for a trinket : Beast Mastery Hunter PvP.

Useful macros (1.0) | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia